myOT! Therapy Services Canberra
myOT! Therapy Services Canberra

Our Values

At myOT! we have five main values which are important to us. Respect, Integrity, Compassion, Excellence, Empowering. These values flow all throughout our practice.

We strive to recognise that our clients and staff members have value and worth. We aim to be consistent to what we say and carry out. We take joy in marking ourselves as being patient, interested, understanding and caring.

We seek to understand and respect with empathy every child’s and family’s needs and circumstances. We want to make sure we are consistently bringing our best efforts to everything we do at myOT! because we want to help your child to thrive.

What we do

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School Work

School Work

Help your child develop skills to better equip them at school. Learn to draw, cut and write. Improve concentration, following instructions, completing tasks and participating in groups.

Hand Skills

Hand Skills

We use our hands every day for all sort of things! It is important we have strong hands, that we can use to hold or move an object. To perform dexterous activities eg threading and to establish a hand dominance.



Help your child move around in their world, to reach for a toy, climb the playground safely, kick a soccer ball or simply go for a walk. We can help your child move by prescribing suitable assistive devices/ specialised equipment to meet their movement needs.

Everyday Living Skills

Everyday Living Skills

Help your child become an independent adult. OT’s can develop age-appropriate skills in dressing, eating, grooming, toileting, sleeping, personal hygiene and so much more! We understand the importance of good daily routines and living skills.

Emotional Regulation
& Behaviour

Emotional Regulation and Behaviour

We understand the struggles of tantrums and meltdowns or withdrawal and fear in children. We develop strategies and use behavioural management to assist your child in becoming a happier, self-regulated adult who understands their own needs.

Social Skills

Social Skills

Help your child engage more successfully with their peers by working with an OT to develop their social skills. We can help your child learn how to make friends, enjoy being in a group, become resilient and build their confidence.

Sensory Processing Skills

Sensory Processing Skills

Through sensory assessment and strategies learn how to help your child who is more sensitive to noise or light, how to avoid sensory overloads or cope with changes in their routines.



Play is child’s work. We strive to help your child learn all critical life skills through FUN Play interactions!

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